Allgemeine Nutzungsbedingungen der Zoller & Fröhlich Website
General terms and conditions of use for the Zoller & Fröhlich website
This website is provided to you by the company Zoller & Fröhlich GmbH, Simoniusstrasse 22, 88239 Wangen im Allgäu, Germany. The information
that can be obtained on this website about Zoller & Fröhlich GmbH (here-
inafter Z+F) and its subsidiaries as well as third parties has been prepared
with utmost care. However, we cannot assume any guarantee for this infor-mation being complete or correct. Z+F does not accept any liability for mis-
takes in the contents of this website.
1 – Area of applicability
Z+F is responsible exclusively for contents it prepares, publishes and dis-
tributes itself. The terms and conditions of use apply to the contents of
the websites, as well as the subdomains
belonging to the aforementioned domains (collectively hereinafter the
“Z+F Website” or website of Z+F or online offer of Z+F).
By way of your access you accept the following General Terms and Con-
ditions of use without any restriction or reservation.
2 – Copyright
The contents provided on the website of Z+F are protected by copyright.
Their use is subject to applicable copyrights. The contents may be used
for private, non-commercial purposes only and in strictly observing all
Unless with the consent of Z+F, this website must not be altered, copied,
republished, transmitted, distributed or saved. Any commercial exploi-
tation, especially the use of texts, parts of texts, audio or video material requires the previous written consent of Z+F, Wangen im Allgäu, Germany (other than Z+F press pictures).
Z+F press pictures may only be used for editorial purposes. Z+F press
pictures reproduced and/or alienated by electronic means for editorial
purposes must bear the copyright notice “© year Zoller & Fröhlich GmbH.
All rights reserved”. Printing is free of charge. However, we ask you for a specimen copy.
© 2012 - 2018 Zoller & Fröhlich GmbH, Wangen im Allgäu, Germany. All rights
Z+F will not be liable for failures of the access quality as a result of acts of
god or of events Z+F cannot control, especially the breakdown of commu-nications networks and gateways. Z+F provides no warranty for the web-
site working without disruptions and free of errors and that failures, if any,
are corrected. Likewise, no warranty is provided for the contents of the
website being correct.
3 – Trademarks
The logo of Zoller + Fröhlich, the product name Z+F IMAGER®, as well as all product designs are registered trademarks of Z+F. Any unauthorised or abu-
sive use of such trademarks is explicitly prohibited and constitutes a viola-
tion of trademark law, copyright law or other industrial property rights or competition law.
4 – Disclaimer relating to websites of third parties
a. The pages of the website contain links (so-called “hyperlinks”) to web-
sites on the internet maintained by third parties the contents of which are
unknown to Z+F. Z+F only provides the link for the access to such websites
and does not accept any responsibility for their contents. Our links to third-
party websites are only meant to facilitate your navigation. We do not share the statements made on any linked third-party websites, but rather hereby disassociate ourselves expressly from any contents of all third-party web-
sites linked from the pages of our website. In particular, we do not accept liability for any breaches of legal regulations and third-party rights commit-
ted on such websites.
b. The owners of websites to which a hyperlink is established on the web-
site operated by Z+F are solely responsible both for their contents and for
the sale of the products they offer as well as for the order processing.
c. Z+F does not accept any liability for the violation of copyrights, trademarks rights and other industrial property rights as well as personality rights com-
mitted on any of the hyperlinked websites.
d. In the event of a purchase order or any other commitment by way of legal transaction, only a contract between the user and the relevant owner of the website and/or the provider present on the website is made, but in no case
a contract between Z+F and the user. Please take notice of the general
terms and conditions of business of the relevant provider of the linked web-
e. This disclaimer applies to all the links shown in this domain and to all the contents of the websites to which the links direct.
5 – Disclaimer
To the best of our knowledge and belief, the data provided are correct, complete and up-to-date. Nevertheless, this website, including the content accessible via the website, is made available without any representation or guarantees, whatsoever, whether express or implied. We reserve the right
to conduct modifications and amendments at any time without notice. Any
and all reproduction, forwarding or other use is prohibited. Please direct
your requests for the permission to reproduce information on this website
to The access to and the use of this website is at the user’s risk. We are not responsible and accept no liability for damages alleg-
edly caused by or in connection with the access to and/or the use of this website. Regardless of the legal ground, including tort, Z+F is responsible
only for such damages in connection with the use of this website which
were caused wilfully or with gross negligence. The liability of Z+F relating
to product liability as well as promises of guarantee is not affected by the foregoing. Likewise, the above restrictions of liability do not apply in case of injury of the life, limb or health of a human.
Z+F makes great efforts to keep the Z+F websites free of viruses, but cannot guarantee the absence of viruses. For this reason we recommend to make
sure you are sufficiently protected against viruses before downloading any documents and information, e.g. by using virus scanners.
Z+F does not provide any warranty for the services offered on the Z+F web-
sites being trouble-free or available. Hyperlinks to third-party websites do
not represent any consent on our side to the contents and we are not res-
ponsible for the availability or the contents of such websites. Establishing a connection to such websites is made at the user’s own risk.
6 – Privacy
Click here to arrive at the privacy statement. In case of any questions about this privacy statement please feel free to use the addresses indicated above. You may as well pose questions about our privacy statement directly to our external privacy officer, Mr. Maximilian Musch - Deutsche Datenschutzkanzlei at or +49 7542 / 94921-02.
7 – Change of the terms and conditions of use
Z+F reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of use at any time. There will be no express notice of the change of the terms and conditions of use. Users should review the terms and conditions of use for changes peri-
8 – Final provision
These terms and conditions of use and the entire legal relationship between the users and the Z+F website are governed by German law on an exclusive basis. If any of the provisions of the terms and conditions of use should be
or become invalid, that will not affect the validity of the remaining terms and conditions of use.